Объём бака Дайхатсу Мув
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2017, хэтчбек 5 дв., 6 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move 2014, хэтчбек 5 дв., 6 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2012, хэтчбек 5 дв., 5 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move 2010, хэтчбек 5 дв., 5 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2008, хэтчбек 5 дв., 4 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move 2006, хэтчбек 5 дв., 4 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2004, хэтчбек 5 дв., 3 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move 2002, хэтчбек 5 дв., 3 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2000, хэтчбек 5 дв., 2 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move 1998, хэтчбек 5 дв., 2 поколение
- Объём бака Daihatsu Move 1995, хэтчбек 5 дв., 1 поколение
Наиболее распространённые объёмы топливных баков в автомобилях: 40, 50, 60 и 70 литров. Судя по объёму бака можно сказать насколько большой это автомобиль. В случае с 30 литровым баком речь скорее всего идёт о малолитражке. 50-60 литров — признак крепкого середнячка. А 70 — свидетельствует о полнормазмерной машине.
Объём топливного бака был бы бесполезной величиной, если бы не расход топлива. Зная средний расход топлива, можно легко вычислить на сколько километров пробега вам хватит полного бака топлива. Бортовые компьютеры современных автомобилей умеют показать водителю эту информацию оперативно.
Объем топливного бака Дайхатсу Мув составляет от 30 до 40 л.
Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2017, хэтчбек 5 дв., 6 поколение
08.2017 — н.в.
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 X SAIII | 30 |
660 X | 30 |
660 L SAIII | 30 |
660 L | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift L | 30 |
660 Custom X Limited SAIII | 30 |
660 Custom X | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift Custom X Limited SAIII | 30 |
660 X Limited SAIII | 30 |
660 X Limited II SAIII | 30 |
660 Custom X Limited II SAIII | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift Custom X Limited II SAIII | 30 |
660 Custom X VS SAIII | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X Limited II SAIII | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift L SAIII | 30 |
660 X SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 X 4WD | 30 |
660 L SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 L 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X Limited SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X 4WD | 30 |
660 X Limited SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 X Limited II SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X Limited II SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X VS SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X Limited II SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift L SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 X Turbo SAIII | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper SAIII | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper Limited SAIII | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper Limited II SAIII | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X Turbo SAIII | 30 |
660 X Turbo SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper Limited SAIII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper Limited II SAIII 4WD | 30 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move 2014, хэтчбек 5 дв., 6 поколение
12.2014 — 07.2017
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 L | 30 |
660 X | 30 |
660 Custom X | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift L | 30 |
660 X SA | 30 |
660 L SA | 30 |
660 Custom X SA | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X SA | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift L SA | 30 |
660 Custom X Hyper SA | 30 |
660 Custom X Hyper | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift Custom X SA | 30 |
660 L SAII | 30 |
660 X SAII | 30 |
660 Custom X Hyper SAII | 30 |
660 Custom X SAII | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift Custom X SAII | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X SAII | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift L SAII | 30 |
660 Custom X 20th Anniversary Gold Edition SAII | 30 |
660 Custom X Special | 30 |
660 L 4WD | 30 |
660 X 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X 4WD | 30 |
660 X SA 4WD | 30 |
660 L SA 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X SA 4WD | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift L SA 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X Hyper SA 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X Hyper 4WD | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X SA 4WD | 30 |
660 X SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 L SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X Hyper SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift L SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X 20th Anniversary Gold Edition SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom X Special 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS | 30 |
660 Custom RS SA | 30 |
660 X Turbo SA | 30 |
660 X Turbo | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper SA | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X Turbo SA | 30 |
660 X Turbo SAII | 30 |
660 Custom RS SAII | 30 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X Turbo SAII | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper SAII | 30 |
660 Custom RS 20th Anniversary Gold Edition SAII | 30 |
660 Custom RS 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS SA 4WD | 30 |
660 X Turbo SA 4WD | 30 |
660 X Turbo 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper SA 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper 4WD | 30 |
660 X Turbo SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS Hyper SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS SAII 4WD | 30 |
660 Custom RS 20th Anniversary Gold Edition SAII 4WD | 30 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2012, хэтчбек 5 дв., 5 поколение
12.2012 — 11.2014
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 L | 30 |
660 X | 30 |
660 Custom X | 30 |
660 Custom X Limited | 30 |
660 Friendship Front Seat Lift X | 30 |
660 Friendship Front Seat Lift L | 30 |
660 X SA | 30 |
660 L SA | 30 |
660 Custom X Limited SA | 30 |
660 Custom X SA | 30 |
660 Friendship Front Seat Lift X SA | 30 |
660 Friendship Front Seat Lift L SA | 30 |
660 L VS | 30 |
660 X Smart Selection SA | 30 |
660 X Smart Selection SN | 30 |
660 X Smart Selection SA & SN | 30 |
660 L VS Smart Selection SA | 30 |
660 L VS Smart Selection SN | 30 |
660 L VS Smart Selection SA & SN | 30 |
660 L Smart Selection SA | 30 |
660 L Smart Selection SN | 30 |
660 L Smart Selection SA & SN | 30 |
660 Custom X Limited Smart Selection SA | 30 |
660 Custom X VS | 30 |
660 Custom X VS Smart Selection SA | 30 |
660 Custom X VS Smart Selection SN | 30 |
660 Custom X VS Smart Selection SA & SN | 30 |
660 Custom X Smart Selection SA | 30 |
660 Custom X Smart Selection SN | 30 |
660 Custom X Smart Selection SA & SN | 30 |
660 Custom RS | 30 |
660 Custom RS SA | 30 |
660 X Turbo SA | 30 |
660 X Turbo | 30 |
660 X Turbo VS | 30 |
660 X Turbo VS Smart Selection SA | 30 |
660 X Turbo VS Smart Selection SN | 30 |
660 X Turbo VS Smart Selection SA & SN | 30 |
660 X Turbo Smart Selection SA | 30 |
660 X Turbo Smart Selection SN | 30 |
660 X Turbo Smart Selection SA & SN | 30 |
660 Сustom RS Smart Selection SA | 30 |
660 Сustom RS Smart Selection SN | 30 |
660 Сustom RS Smart Selection SA & SN | 30 |
660 L 4WD | 34 |
660 X 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X Limited 4WD | 34 |
660 Friendship Front Seat Lift L 4WD | 34 |
660 X SA 4WD | 34 |
660 L SA 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X Limited SA 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X SA 4WD | 34 |
660 Friendship Front Seat Lift L SA 4WD | 34 |
660 L VS 4WD | 34 |
660 X Smart Selection SA 4WD | 34 |
660 X Smart Selection SN 4WD | 34 |
660 X Smart Selection SA & SN 4WD | 34 |
660 L VS Smart Selection SA 4WD | 34 |
660 L VS Smart Selection SN 4WD | 34 |
660 L VS Smart Selection SA & SN 4WD | 34 |
660 L Smart Selection SA 4WD | 34 |
660 L Smart Selection SN 4WD | 34 |
660 L Smart Selection SA & SN 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X Limited Smart Selection SA 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X VS 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X VS Smart Selection SA 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X VS Smart Selection SN 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X VS Smart Selection SA & SN 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X Smart Selection SA 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X Smart Selection SN 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X Smart Selection SA & SN 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom RS 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom RS SA 4WD | 34 |
660 X Turbo SA 4WD | 34 |
660 X Turbo 4WD | 34 |
660 X Turbo VS 4WD | 34 |
660 X Turbo VS Smart Selection SA 4WD | 34 |
660 X Turbo VS Smart Selection SN 4WD | 34 |
660 X Turbo VS Smart Selection SA & SN 4WD | 34 |
660 X Turbo Smart Selection SN 4WD | 34 |
660 X Turbo Smart Selection SA 4WD | 34 |
660 X Turbo Smart Selection SA & SN 4WD | 34 |
660 Сustom RS Smart Selection SA 4WD | 34 |
660 Сustom RS Smart Selection SN 4WD | 34 |
660 Сustom RS Smart Selection SA & SN 4WD | 34 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move 2010, хэтчбек 5 дв., 5 поколение
12.2010 — 11.2012
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 Friendship front seat lift L 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X limited 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X 4WD | 34 |
660 custom G 4WD | 34 |
660 X limited 4WD | 34 |
660 X 4WD | 34 |
660 L 4WD | 34 |
660 custom RS 4WD | 34 |
660 Friendship front seat lift X | 36 |
660 Friendship front seat lift L | 36 |
660 custom X limited | 36 |
660 custom X | 36 |
660 custom G | 36 |
660 X limited | 36 |
660 X | 36 |
660 L | 36 |
660 custom RS | 36 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2008, хэтчбек 5 дв., 4 поколение
12.2008 — 11.2010
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 L 4WD | 34 |
660 Friendship rotating and sliding passenger seat car 4WD | 34 |
660 Friendship front seat lift 4WD | 34 |
660 custom S 4WD | 34 |
660 L VS 4WD | 34 |
660 X 4WD | 34 |
660 X limited 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X limited 4WD | 34 |
660 X VS 4WD | 34 |
660 X VS III 4WD | 34 |
660 X special 4WD | 34 |
660 X VS II 4WD | 34 |
660 custom R 4WD | 34 |
660 custom RS 4WD | 34 |
660 custom R VS 4WD | 34 |
660 L | 36 |
660 Friendship rotating and sliding passenger seat car | 36 |
660 Friendship front seat lift | 36 |
660 custom S | 36 |
660 L VS | 36 |
660 X | 36 |
660 X limited | 36 |
660 custom X | 36 |
660 custom X limited | 36 |
660 X VS | 36 |
660 X VS III | 36 |
660 X special | 36 |
660 X VS II | 36 |
660 custom R | 36 |
660 custom RS | 36 |
660 custom R VS | 36 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move 2006, хэтчбек 5 дв., 4 поколение
10.2006 — 11.2008
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 L 4WD | 34 |
660 X 4WD | 34 |
660 custom L 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X 4WD | 34 |
660 Friendship rotating and sliding passenger seat car 4WD | 34 |
660 Friendship front seat lift 4WD | 34 |
660 L selection 4WD | 34 |
660 X limited 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X limited 4WD | 34 |
660 memorial edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom memorial edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom XC edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom R limited 4WD | 34 |
660 custom RS 4WD | 34 |
660 L | 36 |
660 X | 36 |
660 custom L | 36 |
660 custom X | 36 |
660 Friendship rotating and sliding passenger seat car | 36 |
660 Friendship front seat lift | 36 |
660 L selection | 36 |
660 X limited | 36 |
660 custom X limited | 36 |
660 memorial edition | 36 |
660 custom memorial edition | 36 |
660 custom XC edition | 36 |
660 custom R | 36 |
660 custom R limited | 36 |
660 custom R 4WD | 36 |
660 custom RS | 36 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2004, хэтчбек 5 дв., 3 поколение
12.2004 — 09.2006
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 L 4WD | 34 |
660 VS 4WD | 34 |
660 X 4WD | 34 |
660 custom VS 4WD | 34 |
660 custom VS HDD edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X HDD edition 4WD | 34 |
660 happy edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom RS HDD edition 4WD | 34 |
660 L turbo 4WD | 34 |
660 L | 36 |
660 VS | 36 |
660 X | 36 |
660 custom L | 36 |
660 custom L HDD edition | 36 |
660 custom VS | 36 |
660 custom VS HDD edition | 36 |
660 custom X | 36 |
660 custom X HDD edition | 36 |
660 happy edition | 36 |
660 custom L 4WD | 36 |
660 custom L HDD edition 4WD | 36 |
660 custom X 4WD | 36 |
660 custom R | 36 |
660 custom R HDD edition | 36 |
660 custom RS | 36 |
660 custom RS HDD edition | 36 |
660 L turbo | 36 |
660 custom R 4WD | 36 |
660 custom R HDD edition 4WD | 36 |
660 custom RS 4WD | 36 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move 2002, хэтчбек 5 дв., 3 поколение
10.2002 — 11.2004
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 L limited NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X limited NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 L 4WD | 34 |
660 X 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom L 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom X 4WD | 34 |
660 L NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 L limited 4WD | 34 |
660 X NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 X limited 4WD | 34 |
660 X limited NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom L V selection 4WD | 34 |
660 custom L NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom X limited 4WD | 34 |
660 custom R NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom R limited 4WD | 34 |
660 R 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom R 4WD | 34 |
660 Custom RS 4WD | 34 |
660 custom RS limited 4WD | 34 |
660 R NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom R limited NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 custom RS V selection 4WD | 34 |
660 custom RS NAVI edition 4WD | 34 |
660 L limited | 36 |
660 L limited NAVI edition | 36 |
660 L | 36 |
660 X | 36 |
660 Custom L | 36 |
660 Custom X | 36 |
660 L NAVI edition | 36 |
660 X NAVI edition | 36 |
660 X limited | 36 |
660 X limited NAVI edition | 36 |
660 custom L V selection | 36 |
660 custom L NAVI edition | 36 |
660 custom X limited | 36 |
660 custom X limited NAVI edition | 36 |
660 custom X NAVI edition | 36 |
660 R | 36 |
660 Custom R | 36 |
660 Custom RS | 36 |
660 custom RS limited | 36 |
660 R NAVI edition | 36 |
660 custom R NAVI edition | 36 |
660 custom R limited | 36 |
660 custom R limited NAVI edition | 36 |
660 custom RS V selection | 36 |
660 custom RS NAVI edition | 36 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move рестайлинг 2000, хэтчбек 5 дв., 2 поколение
10.2000 — 09.2002
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 custom L M4 | 37 |
660 CL | 37 |
660 Memorial edition | 37 |
660 NAVI edition | 37 |
660 NAVI edition S package | 37 |
660 memorial edition S package | 37 |
660 CL limited | 37 |
660 Custom L | 37 |
660 Hello Kitty | 37 |
660 Custom Parco | 37 |
660 Custom Parco NAVI edition | 37 |
660 RS Parco | 37 |
660 RCS Parco NAVI edition | 37 |
660 RS memorial edition | 37 |
660 custom L limited | 37 |
660 custom turbo M4 | 37 |
660 CX-T | 37 |
660 Casual turbo memorial edition | 37 |
660 Custom turbo | 37 |
660 Aero down custom | 37 |
660 custom Parco turbo | 37 |
660 custom Parco turbo Navi edition | 37 |
660 Custom turbo limited | 37 |
660 aero down RS | 37 |
660 aero RS-XX | 37 |
660 Aero down custom limited | 37 |
660 aero down RS limited | 37 |
660 aero RS-XX memorial limited | 37 |
660 CG | 40 |
660 CL | 40 |
660 Memorial edition | 40 |
660 NAVI edition | 40 |
660 NAVI edition S package | 40 |
660 memorial edition S package | 40 |
660 CL limited | 40 |
660 Custom L | 40 |
660 Hello Kitty | 40 |
660 Custom Parco | 40 |
660 Custom Parco NAVI edition | 40 |
660 RS Parco | 40 |
660 RCS Parco NAVI edition | 40 |
660 RS memorial edition | 40 |
660 custom L limited | 40 |
660 CX-T | 40 |
660 Casual turbo memorial edition | 40 |
660 Custom turbo | 40 |
660 Aero down custom | 40 |
660 custom Parco turbo | 40 |
660 custom Parco turbo Navi edition | 40 |
660 Custom turbo limited | 40 |
660 aero down RS | 40 |
660 aero RS-XX | 40 |
660 Aero down custom limited | 40 |
660 aero down RS limited | 40 |
660 aero RS-XX memorial limited | 40 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move 1998, хэтчбек 5 дв., 2 поколение
10.1998 — 09.2000
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 custom M4 | 37 |
660 CL | 37 |
660 CL selection | 37 |
660 CX | 37 |
660 Custom L selection | 37 |
660 Custom | 37 |
660 Z4 | 37 |
660 aero down custom XX M4 | 37 |
660 CR | 37 |
660 SR-XX | 37 |
660 aero down custom S | 37 |
660 Aero down custom | 37 |
660 aero down custom XX | 37 |
660 CG | 40 |
660 CL | 40 |
660 CL selection | 40 |
660 CX | 40 |
660 Custom L selection | 40 |
660 Custom | 40 |
660 CR | 40 |
660 SR-XX | 40 |
660 aero down custom S | 40 |
660 Aero down custom | 40 |
660 aero down custom XX | 40 |
Объём бака Daihatsu Move 1995, хэтчбек 5 дв., 1 поколение
08.1995 — 09.1998
Комплектации | Объем топливного бака, л |
660 CS | 30 |
660 Z4 | 30 |
660 Z4-II | 30 |
660 CL | 30 |
660 Custom | 30 |
660 SR | 30 |
660 SR-XX | 30 |
660 custom turbo | 30 |
660 custom turbo II | 30 |
660 CA | 32 |
660 CG | 32 |
660 CL | 32 |
660 CX | 32 |
660 Custom | 32 |
660 SR | 32 |
660 SR-XX | 32 |
660 Aero down custom | 32 |
660 aero down custom XX | 32 |
660 aero down custom II | 32 |