How to use a temperature and humidity meter?
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How to use a temperature and humidity meter?

The following are guideline instructions – there may be some variation between models. The instructions should always be read carefully before using a temperature humidity meter.
How to use a temperature and humidity meter?

Step 1 – Turn on the meter

After the power button has been pressed it may be necessary to wait a few seconds for the instrument to calibrate. The screen will indicate when the meter is ready.

How to use a temperature and humidity meter?

Step 2 – Set the meter

Use the appropriate buttons to select the function (temperature, humidity, wet bulb or dew point). A symbol will appear on the display for the relevant functions. Also ensure the device is displaying the correct unit for you.

How to use a temperature and humidity meter?

Шаг 3 – Прочтите

Move the device to the location you wish to measure and look at the display, record your reading as required.

How to use a temperature and humidity meter?

Step 4 – Changing the reading

If you wish to alter the unit between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit or change the function, on most temperature humidity meters it is possible to do this whilst the instrument is in use, using the same buttons as in set-up.

How to use a temperature and humidity meter?

Step 5 – Holding, minimising or maximising the reading

In most circumstances the readings fluctuate continually and by pressing the hold button you can freeze the reading on screen. Alternatively, press the MIN/MAX button once to display the minimum reading and again to display the maximum.



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