Sign 5.21. Residential area - Signs of traffic rules of the Russian Federation

Sign 5.21. Residential area - Signs of traffic rules of the Russian Federation

The territory in which the requirements of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation are in force, establishing the order of movement in a residential area.


In the residential area, pedestrians have an advantage, whose movement is allowed not only on the sidewalks, but also on the roadway.

In a residential area prohibited:

a) movement at a speed of more than 20 km / h;

b) through traffic;

c) training driving;

d) parking with a running engine;

e) parking of trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3,5 tons outside specially designated and marked with signs and (or) markings. These requirements apply to all courtyards (courtyards, quarters, etc.).

When leaving the residential area, drivers must give way to other road users. 

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