
Until the end of 2020, Honda will release a car with a third-level autopilot

The Honda brand plans to launch a car with the latest autopilot on the market. If this happens, Honda will be the first manufacturer from Japan to offer a car with this option. This autopilot has a 3rd level of automation and meets the SAE standard.

There is no information about which model will be equipped with this function. However, the approximate dates for the announcement are already known. Honda is likely to introduce its robomobile to the public in the summer of 2020.

Level XNUMX Autopilot can take over control of the vehicle in certain situations. An example is driving at low speed or driving on a busy highway where it is impossible to develop a high speed. Simply put, automation can take control when there is only minimal risk of danger.

In such a situation, the driver will be able to transfer control to the autopilot and go about their business: for example, talk on the phone, read a book, see something on the screen.

In other circumstances, transferring control to the autopilot will fail. This restriction is set for security reasons. Honda auto Note that the third level is not the limit for the classification of SAE. The fourth-level autopilot will be able to take control completely, but the manual control option will remain. A car equipped with fifth-level automation will not have pedals and steering wheel at all.

Level 3 autopilot is not a market innovation. For example, the Audi AG model has this option.

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