Worried about driving in winter?
Tips for motorists,  Articles,  Machine operation

Worried about driving in winter?

The winter season is fraught with the biggest challenges for drivers, which is why some of them, especially beginners, get anxious when they have to get behind the wheel. Statistics show that drivers with less experience are more likely to be involved in road accidents.

Experts from tire manufacturer Nokian advise on how to cope more easily in such conditions. Here are four simple tips.

1 Gaining experience

You can only gain the confidence you need to drive through experience. Empty parking lots or deserted roads allow you to test your car in a variety of situations. You can also enroll in a driving school, even if you already have a driving license.

Worried about driving in winter?

You need to practice driving on slippery surfaces regularly to know how your car will behave if this happens. Trails built on icy lakes are best suited for this purpose. However, they are often more slippery and do not give the same feel as snow or ice in real conditions.

2 Keep calm

A calm turn is key. Instead of panicking, jumping on the brakes and straining, you should look for the right direction your car is pointing to and try to control the situation, even if something surprises you. pay attention to some recommendations regarding understeer and oversteer.

3 Check your tires

Checking your tire pressure periodically may seem like a tedious and useless task (some people think that a visual inspection is enough), but in fact it can be extremely important in extreme conditions. Vehicles with improperly inflated tires can behave strangely on the road during high-speed maneuvers. Learn more about the importance of tire pressure. in a separate article.

Worried about driving in winter?

When choosing tires, rely on the latest models as they will always provide the best grip and the latest innovations will give you a better feeling of control and safety when driving on slippery roads. New tires are logically in good condition, but nevertheless it is advisable to regularly check the tread depth.

4 Examine your car in detail

Worried about driving in winter?

Vehicle condition and knowledge of its characteristics have a significant impact on safety. Young drivers often drive older vehicles that lack modern security systems. Instead of a second family car, it is better for a young driver to drive a car that is as safe as possible.

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