Заводские коды ошибок Mitsubishi

Марка автоКод ошибкиЗначение ошибки
Mitsubishi12Датчик буста
Mitsubishi13BARO SNSR
Mitsubishi14FUEL TEMP
Mitsubishi15CLT TEMP SNSR
Mitsubishi16AIR TEMP SNSR
Mitsubishi18NE SNSR (SUB)
Mitsubishi21NE SNSR (MAIN)
Mitsubishi23IDLE SW 1
Mitsubishi24IDLE SW 2
Mitsubishi26CSP SNSR
Mitsubishi28T/M SHIFT SW
Mitsubishi31Связь по шине CAN
Mitsubishi41THRT VAL SOL
Mitsubishi42THRT VAL SOL2
Mitsubishi46INJ ADJ V
Mitsubishi49OVER BOOST
Mitsubishi51EGR POS. SNSR
Mitsubishi52VGT CONT. PRS.
Mitsubishi54Связь с иммобилизатором
Mitsubishi63ECU FAIL
MitsubishiP0100Volume Air Flow Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0105BARO Pressure Circuit Malfunctin
MitsubishiP0106BARO Pressure Sensor, Out of Range
MitsubishiP0107MAP Sensor, Low Voltage
MitsubishiP0108MAP Sensor, High Voltage
MitsubishiP0110IAT Sensor Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0112IAT Sensor, Low Voltage
MitsubishiP0113IAT Sensor, High voltage
MitsubishiP0115ECT Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0117ECT Sensor, Low voltage
MitsubishiP0118ECT Sensor, High Voltage
MitsubishiP0120TPS Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0121TPS Voltage Does not Match MAP
MitsubishiP0122TPS, Low Voltage
MitsubishiP0123TPS, High Voltage
MitsubishiP0125Excessive Time to Enter Closed Loop
MitsubishiP0130(Right) Front O2 Sensor, Malfunction
MitsubishiP0131Upstream HO2 Sensor, Voltage Grounded
MitsubishiP0132Upstream HO2 Sensor, Shorted to Heater Circuit Voltage
MitsubishiP0133Upstream HO2 Sensor, Response
MitsubishiP0134Upstream HO2 Sensor, Stays at Center
MitsubishiP0135(Right) Front HO2 Sensor, Malfunction
MitsubishiP0136Right Rear O2 Sensor, Malfunction
MitsubishiP0137Downstream HO2 Sensor, Voltage Grounded
MitsubishiP0138Downstream HO2 Sensor, Shorted to Heater Circuit Voltage
MitsubishiP0139Downstream HO2 Sensor, Stays at Center
MitsubishiP0140Downstream HO2 Sensor, Stays at Center
MitsubishiP0141(Right) Rear HO2 Sensor Malfunction
MitsubishiP0150(Left) Rear O2 Sensor Malfunction
MitsubishiP0156(Left) Rear O2 Sensor Malfunction
MitsubishiP0161HO2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction, Bank 2 Sensor 2
MitsubishiP0170Bank 1 Fuel Trim Malfunction
MitsubishiP0171Fuel System Lean
MitsubishiP0172Fuel System Rich
MitsubishiP0173Bank 2 Fuel Trim Malfunction
MitsubishiP0201Injector Circuit, Cylinder No. 1 Malfunction
MitsubishiP0202Injector Circuit, Cylinder No. 2 Malfunction
MitsubishiP0203Injector Circuit, Cylinder No. 3 Malfunction
MitsubishiP0204Injector Circuit, Cylinder No. 4 Malfunction
MitsubishiP0205Injector Circuit, Cylinder No. 5 Malfunction
MitsubishiP0206Injector Circuit, Cylinder No. 6 Malfunction
MitsubishiP0220Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit
MitsubishiP0300Random Misfire Detected
MitsubishiP0301Cylinder No. 1 Misfire Detected
MitsubishiP0302Cylinder No. 2 Misfire Detected
MitsubishiP0303Cylinder No. 3 Misfire Detected
MitsubishiP0304Cylinder No. 4 Misfire Detected
MitsubishiP0305Cylinder No. 5 Misfire Detected
MitsubishiP0306Cylinder No. 6 Misfire Detected
MitsubishiP0325Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0335Crankshft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0340Camshft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0351Ignition Coil No. 1 Primary Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0352Ignition Coil No. 2 Primary Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0400EGR Flow Malfunction
MitsubishiP0401EGR System Failure
MitsubishiP0403EGR Solenoid Malfunction
MitsubishiP0420Bank 1 Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold
MitsubishiP0421Warm Up Catalyst, Bank 1 Efficiency Below Threshold
MitsubishiP0422Catalytic Converter Efficiency failure
MitsubishiP0431Warm Up Catalyst, Bank 2 Efficiency Below Threshold
MitsubishiP0440EVAP Emission Control System Malfunction
MitsubishiP0441Evaporative Purge Flow Monitor Failure
MitsubishiP0442EVAP Control system, Small Leak Detected
MitsubishiP0443EVAP Control System, Purge Control Valve, Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0446EVAP Control System, Vent Control Malfunction
MitsubishiP0450EVAP Control System Pressure Sensor Malfunction
MitsubishiP0455EVAP Control System, Large Leak Detected
MitsubishiP0500VSS Malfunction
MitsubishiP0505IAC Motor Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0510Closed TPS Switch Malfunction
MitsubishiP0551PSP Sensor Circuit
MitsubishiP0600PCM Failure or CCD/PCM Communication
MitsubishiP0601Internal Controller Failure
MitsubishiP0604ICM RAM Checksum Failure
MitsubishiP0605ICM ROM Checksum Failure
MitsubishiP0700Transmission DTC ICM (Watchdog Circuit)
MitsubishiP0705TRS Sensor (PRNDL Input) Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0710TFT Sensor Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP0715Speed Error: Input Speed Sensor Circuit
MitsubishiP0720Speed Error: Output speed Sensor Circuit
MitsubishiP0725Engine Speed Input Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP07311st Gear, Incorrect Ratio
MitsubishiP07322nd Gear, Incorrect Ratio
MitsubishiP07333rd Gear, Incorrect Ratio
MitsubishiP07344th Gear, Incorrect Ratio
MitsubishiP0736Reverse Gear, Incorrect Ratio
MitsubishiP0740TCC Lock Up Control, Out of Range
MitsubishiP0750Shift Solenoid A (Low Reverse) Malfunction
MitsubishiP0755Shift Solenoid B Malfunction
MitsubishiP0760Shift Solenoid C Malfunction
MitsubishiP0765Shift Solenoid D Malfunction
MitsubishiP1055(Left) Front HO2 Sensor Malfunction
MitsubishiP1100Induction Control Motor Position Sensor, Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP1101Traction Control Vacuum Solenoid Malfunction
MitsubishiP1102Traction Control Ventilation Solenoid Malfunction
MitsubishiP1103Turbo Waste Gate Actuator Malfunction
MitsubishiP1104Turbo Waste Gate Solenoid Malfunction
MitsubishiP1105Fuel Pressure Solenoid Malfunction
MitsubishiP1294Target Idle not Reached (+/- 200 RPM)
MitsubishiP1295No 5 Volt Signal to TPS
MitsubishiP1296No 5 Volt Signal to MAP Sensor
MitsubishiP1297No Change in MAP Sensor from Start to Run
MitsubishiP1300Ignition Timing Adjustment Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP1390Timing Belt Skipped 1 Tooth or More
MitsubishiP1391Intermittent Loss of CMP or CKP
MitsubishiP1400MDP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP1443EVAP system Purge Control Valve 2 Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP1486EVAP Control System, Pinched Hose
MitsubishiP1487High Speed Radiator Fan Control Relay Circuit
MitsubishiP1489High Speed Condenser Fan Control Relay Circuit
MitsubishiP1490Low Speed Fan Control Relay Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP1492Battery Temp. Sensor, High Voltage
MitsubishiP1493Battery Temp. Sensor, Low Voltage
MitsubishiP1494EVAP Ventilation Solenoid Switch or Mechanical Fault
MitsubishiP1495EVAP Ventilation Solenoid Circuit
MitsubishiP14965 Volt Output Supply Too Low
MitsubishiP1500Generator FR Terminal Circuit Malfunction
MitsubishiP1600Serial Communication Link Malfunction
MitsubishiP1696PCM Failure, EEPROM Write Denied
MitsubishiP1697PCM Failure, SRI Mile not stored
MitsubishiP1698No CCD Message from TCM
MitsubishiP1715Pulse Generator Assembly Malfunction
MitsubishiP1738Transmission Overheat High Temp. Operation Activated
MitsubishiP1739TCM Power-up While Vehicle Being Driven
MitsubishiP1750Transmission Solenoid Assembly Malfunction
MitsubishiP1765TCM Sensed Volts on Pressure Switch When Unexpected
MitsubishiP1767EATX Realy Always ON, Contacts Closed
MitsubishiP1768EATX Realy Always OFF, Contacts Open
MitsubishiP1770Inadequate Element Volume: L/R
MitsubishiP1771Inadequate Element Volume: 02.04.09
MitsubishiP1772Inadequate Element Volume: OD
MitsubishiP1775Solenoid Switch Valve Latched in LU Position
MitsubishiP1776Solenoid Switch Valve Latched in LR Position
MitsubishiP1781OD Pressure Switch Circuit
MitsubishiP17822-4 Pressure Switch Circuit
MitsubishiP1784L/R Pressure Switch Circuit
MitsubishiP1787OD Hydraulic Pressure Switch Circuit
MitsubishiP17882-4 Hydraulic Pressure Switch Circuit
MitsubishiP1789OD/2-4 Hydraulic Pressure Switch Circuit
MitsubishiP1790Error After Shift, Check Speed Code Error
MitsubishiP1791Engine: ECT Input to TCM
MitsubishiP1792Battery Power was Disconnected Since Power Down
MitsubishiP1793TRD Link communication Error
MitsubishiP1794Speed Sensor Ground
MitsubishiP1795ICM: Malfunction
MitsubishiP1798Worn Transmission Fluid, Shudder Detected with A/C Clutch
MitsubishiP1799Calculated Transmissin Fluid Temp. in Use
MitsubishiP1899PNP Switch (Trans Range Switch) Failure