Размеры Сузуки Спасиа и вес
Размеры и Вес автомобилей

Размеры Сузуки Спасиа и вес

Размеры кузова — один из важнейших параметров при выборе машины. Чем больше машина, тем сложнее она в управлении в современном городе, однако и безопасней. Габаритные размеры Сузуки Спасиа определяются по трём величинам: длина кузова, ширина кузова и высота кузова. Как правило длину измеряют от наиболее выдающегося вперёд места переднего бампера до самого удалённого места заднего бампера. Ширину кузова мерят в самом широком месте: как правило это либо колёсные арки, либо центральные стойки кузова. А вот с высотой не всё так просто: её мерят от земли до крыши автомобиля; высота рейлингов в общую высоту кузова не входит.

Габаритные размеры Suzuki Spacia от 3395 x 1475 x 1735 до 3395 x 1475 x 1800 мм, а масса от 840 до 950 кг.

Размеры Suzuki Spacia 2017, хэтчбек 5 дв., 2 поколение

Размеры Сузуки Спасиа и вес 11.2017 — н.в.

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
660 Hybrid G3395 x 1475 x 1785850
660 Hybrid G (without Collision Mitigation System)3395 x 1475 x 1785850
660 Hybrid G (without Suzuki Safety Support)3395 x 1475 x 1785850
660 BASE GF3395 x 1475 x 1785860
660 Hybrid X3395 x 1475 x 1785870
660 Hybrid X (without Collision Mitigation System)3395 x 1475 x 1785870
660 Custom Hybrid GS3395 x 1475 x 1785880
660 Custom Hybrid GS (without Collision Mitigation System)3395 x 1475 x 1785880
660 Hybrid G WITH wheelchair transfer (without rear seat)3395 x 1475 x 1785880
660 Custom Hybrid XS3395 x 1475 x 1785890
660 Custom Hybrid XS (without Collision Mitigation System)3395 x 1475 x 1785890
660 Hybrid G 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785900
660 Hybrid G (without Collision Mitigation System) 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785900
660 Hybrid G (without Suzuki Safety Support) 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785900
660 Custom Hybrid XS Turbo3395 x 1475 x 1785900
660 Custom Hybrid XS Turbo (without Collision Mitigation System)3395 x 1475 x 1785900
660 Hybrid G WITH wheelchair transfer (with rear seat)3395 x 1475 x 1785910
660 BASE GF 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785910
660 Hybrid X WITH wheelchair transfer (with rear seat)3395 x 1475 x 1785920
660 Hybrid X 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785920
660 Hybrid X (without Collision Mitigation System) 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785920
660 Custom Hybrid GS 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785930
660 Custom Hybrid GS (without Collision Mitigation System) 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785930
660 Custom Hybrid XS 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785940
660 Custom Hybrid XS (without Collision Mitigation System) 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785940
660 Custom Hybrid XS Turbo 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785950
660 Custom Hybrid XS Turbo (without Collision Mitigation System) 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1785950
660 BASE XF3395 x 1475 x 1800870
660 GEAR Hybrid XZ3395 x 1475 x 1800880
660 GEAR Hybrid XZ Turbo3395 x 1475 x 1800890
660 BASE XF 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1800920
660 GEAR Hybrid XZ 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1800930
660 GEAR Hybrid XZ Turbo 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1800940

Размеры Suzuki Spacia рестайлинг 2015, хэтчбек 5 дв., 1 поколение

Размеры Сузуки Спасиа и вес 05.2015 — 11.2017

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
660 G3395 x 1475 x 1735840
660 G Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735840
660 X3395 x 1475 x 1735850
660 X Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735850
660 E WITH wheelchair transportation, without rear seat3395 x 1475 x 1735850
660 G Limited3395 x 1475 x 1735850
660 Custom GS3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 Custom GS Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 Custom Z Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 Custom Z3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 T3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 T Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 Custom XS3395 x 1475 x 1735880
660 Custom XS Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735880
660 E WITH wheelchair transportation, with rear seat3395 x 1475 x 1735880
660 Custom Z Utility Package Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735880
660 Custom Z Utility Package3395 x 1475 x 1735880
660 G WITH wheelchair transportation, with rear seat3395 x 1475 x 1735890
660 G 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1735890
660 G Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1735890
660 Custom GS Turbo Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735890
660 Custom GS Turbo3395 x 1475 x 1735890
660 Custom Z Turbo Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735890
660 Custom Z Turbo3395 x 1475 x 1735890
660 X WITH wheelchair transportation, with rear seat3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 X 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 X Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 Custom XS Turbo Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 Custom XS Turbo3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 Custom Z Turbo Utility Package Dual Camera Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 Custom Z Turbo Utility Package3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 G 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740890
660 X 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740900
660 X Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740900
660 G Limited 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740900
660 Custom GS 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 Custom GS Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 Custom Z Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 Custom Z 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 T 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 T Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 Custom XS 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740930
660 Custom XS Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740930
660 Custom Z Utility Package Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740930
660 Custom Z Utility Package 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740930
660 Custom GS Turbo Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740940
660 Custom GS Turbo 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740940
660 Custom Z Turbo Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740940
660 Custom Z Turbo 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740940
660 Custom XS Turbo Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740950
660 Custom XS Turbo 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740950
660 Custom Z Turbo Utility Package Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740950
660 Custom Z Turbo Utility Package 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740950
660 G Dual Camera Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1750890

Размеры Suzuki Spacia 2013, хэтчбек 5 дв., 1 поколение

Размеры Сузуки Спасиа и вес 03.2013 — 04.2015

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
660 G3395 x 1475 x 1735840
660 G Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735840
660 G Radar Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735840
660 G Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735840
660 X3395 x 1475 x 1735850
660 X Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735850
660 X Radar Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735850
660 X Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735850
660 E WITH wheelchair transportation, without rear seat3395 x 1475 x 1735850
660 Custom GS3395 x 1475 x 1735860
660 Custom GS Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735860
660 Custom GS Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735860
660 X Limited3395 x 1475 x 1735860
660 X Limited Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735860
660 G WITH wheelchair transportation, without rear seat3395 x 1475 x 1735860
660 Custom XS3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 Custom XS Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 Custom XS Radar Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 Custom XS Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 T3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 T Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 T Radar Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 T Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735870
660 Custom XS Limited3395 x 1475 x 1735880
660 Custom XS Limited Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735880
660 Custom J Style3395 x 1475 x 1735880
660 Custom J Style Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735880
660 E WITH wheelchair transportation, with rear seat3395 x 1475 x 1735890
660 G WITH wheelchair transportation, with rear seat3395 x 1475 x 1735890
660 X WITH wheelchair transportation, with rear seat3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 Custom TS3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 Custom TS Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 Custom TS Radar Brake Support3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 Custom TS Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation3395 x 1475 x 1735900
660 G 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740890
660 G Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740890
660 G Radar Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740890
660 G Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740890
660 X 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740900
660 X Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740900
660 X Radar Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740900
660 X Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740900
660 Custom GS 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740910
660 Custom GS Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740910
660 Custom GS Radar Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740910
660 Custom GS Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740910
660 X Limited 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740910
660 X Limited Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740910
660 Custom XS 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 Custom XS Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 Custom XS Radar Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 Custom XS Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 T 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 T Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 T Radar Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 T Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740920
660 Custom XS Limited 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740930
660 Custom XS Limited Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740930
660 Custom J Style 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740930
660 Custom J Style Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740930
660 Custom TS 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740950
660 Custom TS Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740950
660 Custom TS Radar Brake Support 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740950
660 Custom TS Radar Brake Support Smartphone-Linked Navigation 4WD3395 x 1475 x 1740950

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