Размеры Тойота Ноах и вес
Размеры и Вес автомобилей

Размеры Тойота Ноах и вес

Размеры кузова — один из важнейших параметров при выборе машины. Чем больше машина, тем сложнее она в управлении в современном городе, однако и безопасней. Габаритные размеры Тойота Ноах определяются по трём величинам: длина кузова, ширина кузова и высота кузова. Как правило длину измеряют от наиболее выдающегося вперёд места переднего бампера до самого удалённого места заднего бампера. Ширину кузова мерят в самом широком месте: как правило это либо колёсные арки, либо центральные стойки кузова. А вот с высотой не всё так просто: её мерят от земли до крыши автомобиля; высота рейлингов в общую высоту кузова не входит.

Габаритные размеры Toyota Noah от 4560 x 1695 x 1850 до 4795 x 1735 x 1810 мм, а масса от 1480 до 1800 кг.

Размеры Toyota Noah 2022, минивэн, 4 поколение

Размеры Тойота Ноах и вес 01.2022 — н.в.

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
2.0 S-G (7 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951600
2.0 S-G (8 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951600
2.0 G (7 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951600
2.0 G (8 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951600
2.0 X (7 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951600
2.0 X (8 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951600
1.8 Hybrid S-G (7 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951630
1.8 Hybrid S-G (8 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951630
1.8 Hybrid G (7 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951630
1.8 Hybrid G (8 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951630
1.8 Hybrid X (7 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951630
1.8 Hybrid X (8 Seater)4695 x 1730 x 18951630
2.0 S-Z4695 x 1730 x 18951640
2.0 Z4695 x 1730 x 18951640
1.8 Hybrid S-Z4695 x 1730 x 18951670
1.8 Hybrid Z4695 x 1730 x 18951670
2.0 S-G (7 Seater) 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251670
2.0 S-G (8 Seater) 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251670
2.0 G (7 Seater) 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251670
2.0 G (8 Seater) 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251670
2.0 X (7 Seater) 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251670
2.0 X (8 Seater) 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251670
1.8 Hybrid S-G 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251680
1.8 Hybrid G 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251680
1.8 Hybrid X (7 Seater) 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251680
2.0 S-Z 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251700
2.0 Z 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251700
1.8 Hybrid S-Z 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251710
1.8 Hybrid Z 4WD4695 x 1730 x 19251710

Размеры Toyota Noah рестайлинг 2017, минивэн, 3 поколение, R80

Размеры Тойота Ноах и вес 07.2017 — 12.2021

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
2.0 X Wel Join4695 x 1695 x 18251560
2.0 G (7 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251570
2.0 X (7 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251570
2.0 X (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251570
2.0 G (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251570
1.8 Hybrid X (7 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251610
1.8 Hybrid G (7 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251620
2.0 X side seat lift-up tilt4695 x 1695 x 18251650
2.0 X Wel Join 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651640
2.0 X 4WD (7 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18651650
2.0 X 4WD (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18651650
2.0 G 4WD (7 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18651660
2.0 G 4WD (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18651660
2.0 X side seat lift-up tilt 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651730
2.0 Si (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251600
2.0 Si (8 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251600
2.0 Si WxB (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251600
2.0 Si WxB (8 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251600
2.0 Si WxB II (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251600
2.0 Si WxB II (8 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251600
2.0 Si WxB III (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251610
2.0 Si WxB III (8 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251610
1.8 Hybrid Si (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251620
1.8 Hybrid Si WxB (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251620
1.8 Hybrid Si WxB II (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251620
1.8 Hybrid Si WxB III (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18251630
2.0 Si 4WD (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18701680
2.0 Si 4WD (8 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18701680
2.0 Si WxB 4WD (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18701680
2.0 Si WxB 4WD (8 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18701680
2.0 Si WxB II 4WD (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18701680
2.0 Si WxB II 4WD (8 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18701680
2.0 Si WxB III 4WD (7 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18701690
2.0 Si WxB III 4WD (8 Seater)4710 x 1735 x 18701690
2.0 Si GR Sport4795 x 1735 x 18101620

Размеры Toyota Noah 2014, минивэн, 3 поколение, R80

Размеры Тойота Ноах и вес 01.2014 — 06.2017

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
1.8 Hybrid X Delight Plus4695 x 1695 x 18251480
2.0 X V Package4695 x 1695 x 18251560
2.0 X V Package (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251560
2.0 X4695 x 1695 x 18251570
2.0 G4695 x 1695 x 18251570
2.0 X Delight Plus4695 x 1695 x 18251570
2.0 G (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251570
2.0 X (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251570
2.0 X V Package Welcab slope type II, without third seat4695 x 1695 x 18251590
2.0 X V Package Welcab Slope Type II (without third seat)4695 x 1695 x 18251590
1.8 Hybrid X Delight Plus4695 x 1695 x 18251600
2.0 X Delight Plus4695 x 1695 x 18251600
2.0 X Delight Plus (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18251600
1.8 Hybrid X4695 x 1695 x 18251610
2.0 X Welcab slope type II, without third seat4695 x 1695 x 18251610
2.0 X Welcab Friendmatic Welride4695 x 1695 x 18251610
2.0 X Delight Plus4695 x 1695 x 18251610
2.0 X Welcab Slope Type II (without third seat)4695 x 1695 x 18251610
1.8 Hybrid G4695 x 1695 x 18251620
2.0 X V Package Welcab slope type I for two wheelchairs4695 x 1695 x 18251640
2.0 X Welcab slope type II with third seat4695 x 1695 x 18251640
2.0 X V Package Welcab Slope Type I (for 2 wheelchairs)4695 x 1695 x 18251640
2.0 X Welcab Slope Type II (with third seat)4695 x 1695 x 18251640
2.0 X Lift-Up Side Seat4695 x 1695 x 18251650
2.0 X Welcab lift-up passenger seat4695 x 1695 x 18251650
2.0 X Welcab slope type I for one wheelchair4695 x 1695 x 18251650
2.0 X side seat lift-up4695 x 1695 x 18251650
2.0 X Welcab Slope Type I (for 1 wheelchair)4695 x 1695 x 18251650
2.0 X Welcab passenger seat lift-up4695 x 1695 x 18251650
2.0 X Welcab slope type I for two wheelchairs4695 x 1695 x 18251660
2.0 X Welcab Slope Type I (for 2 wheelchairs)4695 x 1695 x 18251660
2.0 X Welcab slope type I for two wheelchairs 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18251660
2.0 X Welcab lift-up side seat detachable type, manual type4695 x 1695 x 18251680
2.0 X Welcab side seat lift-up (detachable type, manual)4695 x 1695 x 18251680
2.0 X Welcab lift-up side seat detachable type, electric type4695 x 1695 x 18251690
2.0 X Welcab side seat lift-up (detachable type, electric)4695 x 1695 x 18251690
2.0 X Welcab slope type I for one wheelchair 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18251720
2.0 X Delight Plus 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651600
2.0 X Delight Plus 4WD (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18651600
2.0 X V Package 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651640
2.0 X V Package 4WD (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18651640
2.0 X 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651650
2.0 X Delight Plus 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651650
2.0 X 4WD (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18651650
2.0 G 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651660
2.0 G 4WD (8 Seater)4695 x 1695 x 18651660
2.0 X Welcab slope type II, without third seat 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651680
2.0 X Welcab Slope Type II (without third seat) 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651680
2.0 X Welcab Friendmatic Welride 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651690
2.0 X Welcab Slope Type I (for 1 wheelchair) 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651720
2.0 X Welcab Slope Type II (with third seat) 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651720
2.0 X Lift-Up Side Seat 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651730
2.0 X Welcab lift-up passenger seat 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651730
2.0 X side seat lift-up 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651730
2.0 X Welcab Slope Type I (for 2 wheelchairs) 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18651730
2.0 X Welcab passenger seat lift-up 4WD4695 x 1695 x 18701730
2.0 Si4710 x 1730 x 18251600
2.0 Si (8 Seater)4710 x 1730 x 18251600
2.0 Si WxB4710 x 1730 x 18251610
2.0 Si WxB (8 Seater)4710 x 1730 x 18251610
1.8 Hybrid Si4710 x 1730 x 18251620
1.8 Hybrid Si WxB4710 x 1730 x 18251630
2.0 Si Welcab Friendmatic Welride4710 x 1730 x 18251640
2.0 Si Welcab slope type II with third seat4710 x 1730 x 18251660
2.0 Si Welcab Slope Type II (with third seat)4710 x 1730 x 18251660
2.0 Si Welcab slope type I for one wheelchair4710 x 1730 x 18251670
2.0 Si Welcab Slope Type I (for 1 wheelchair)4710 x 1730 x 18251670
2.0 Si Welcab lift-up passenger seat4710 x 1730 x 18251680
2.0 Si Welcab lift-up side seat standard type4710 x 1730 x 18251680
2.0 Si Welcab side seat lift-up (standard type)4710 x 1730 x 18251680
2.0 Si Welcab passenger seat lift-up4710 x 1730 x 18251680
2.0 Si Welcab lift-up side seat detachable type, manual type4710 x 1730 x 18251710
2.0 Si Welcab side seat lift-up (detachable type, manual)4710 x 1730 x 18251710
2.0 Si Welcab lift-up side seat detachable type, electric type4710 x 1730 x 18251720
2.0 Si Welcab side seat lift-up (detachable type, electric)4710 x 1730 x 18251720
2.0 Si 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701680
2.0 Si 4WD (8 Seater)4710 x 1730 x 18701680
2.0 Si WxB 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701690
2.0 Si WxB 4WD (8 Seater)4710 x 1730 x 18701690
2.0 Si Welcab Friendmatic Welride 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701720
2.0 Si Welcab lift-up passenger seat 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701760
2.0 Si Welcab lift-up side seat standard type 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701760
2.0 Si Welcab side seat lift-up (standard type) 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701760
2.0 Si Welcab passenger seat lift-up 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701760
2.0 Si Welcab lift-up side seat detachable type, manual type 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701790
2.0 Si Welcab side seat lift-up (detachable type, manual) 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701790
2.0 Si Welcab lift-up side seat detachable type, electric type 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701800
2.0 Si Welcab side seat lift-up (detachable type, electric) 4WD4710 x 1730 x 18701800
2.0 Si G’s4795 x 1735 x 18101620

Размеры Toyota Noah рестайлинг 2010, минивэн, 2 поколение, R70

Размеры Тойота Ноах и вес 04.2010 — 12.2013

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
2.0 YY4595 x 1695 x 18501550
2.0 X (7 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501570
2.0 X smart edition (7 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501570
2.0 X Special Edition (7 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501570
2.0 X (8 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501580
2.0 X L selection (7 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501580
2.0 X smart edition (8 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501580
2.0 X Special Edition (8 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501580
2.0 G4595 x 1695 x 18501590
2.0 X L selection (8 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501590
2.0 X G Edition (7 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501590
2.0 X G Edition (8 Seater)4595 x 1695 x 18501600
2.0 X L selection lift-up side seat equipped car4595 x 1695 x 18501650
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type II no third row seating4595 x 1695 x 18501660
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up passenger seat A type4595 x 1695 x 18501670
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up passenger seat B type4595 x 1695 x 18501680
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat detachable type manual4595 x 1695 x 18501690
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type I 1-wheelchair spec car4595 x 1695 x 18501690
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type II with third row seating4595 x 1695 x 18501690
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat detachable type electric4595 x 1695 x 18501700
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type I 2-wheelchair spec car4595 x 1695 x 18501700
2.0 YY 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751640
2.0 X 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751650
2.0 X smart edition 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751650
2.0 X Special Edition 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751650
2.0 X L selection 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751660
2.0 G 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751670
2.0 X G Edition 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751670
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751730
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type II no third row seating 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751730
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up passenger seat A type 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751740
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up passenger seat B type 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751750
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type II with third row seating 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751760
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat detachable type manual 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751770
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type I 1-wheelchair spec car 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751770
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat detachable type electric 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751780
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type I 2-wheelchair spec car 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751780
2.0 S G’s (8 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18201600
2.0 S G’s (7 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18201600
2.0 Si G’s (8 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18201610
2.0 Si G’s (7 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18201610
2.0 Si G’s version edge (7 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18201620
2.0 Si G’s version edge (8 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18201620
2.0 S (8 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18501590
2.0 S (7 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18501590
2.0 Si (8 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18501600
2.0 Si (7 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18501600
2.0 Si Rayish (7 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18501600
2.0 Si Rayish (8 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18501600
2.0 Si welcab lift-up side seat4635 x 1720 x 18501670
2.0 Si welcab slope type II no third row seating4635 x 1720 x 18501670
2.0 Si welcab lift-up passenger seat A type4635 x 1720 x 18501680
2.0 Si welcab lift-up passenger seat B type4635 x 1720 x 18501690
2.0 Si welcab slope type II with third row seating4635 x 1720 x 18501700
2.0 Si welcab lift-up side seat detachable type manual4635 x 1720 x 18501710
2.0 Si welcab slope type I 1-wheelchair spec car4635 x 1720 x 18501710
2.0 Si welcab lift-up side seat detachable type electric4635 x 1720 x 18501720
2.0 Si welcab slope type I 2-wheelchair spec car4635 x 1720 x 18501720
2.0 S 4WD (7 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18751670
2.0 S 4WD (8 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18751670
2.0 Si 4WD (7 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18751680
2.0 Si Rayish 4WD (7 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18751680
2.0 Si 4WD (8 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18751690
2.0 Si Rayish 4WD (8 Seater)4635 x 1720 x 18751690
2.0 Si welcab lift-up side seat 4WD4635 x 1720 x 18751750
2.0 Si welcab lift-up passenger seat A type 4WD4635 x 1720 x 18751770
2.0 Si welcab lift-up passenger seat B type 4WD4635 x 1720 x 18751780
2.0 Si welcab lift-up side seat detachable type manual 4WD4635 x 1720 x 18751790
2.0 Si welcab lift-up side seat detachable type electric 4WD4635 x 1720 x 18751800

Размеры Toyota Noah 2007, минивэн, 2 поколение, R70

Размеры Тойота Ноах и вес 06.2007 — 03.2010

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
2.0 YY4595 x 1695 x 18501530
2.0 X4595 x 1695 x 18501550
2.0 X L selection4595 x 1695 x 18501560
2.0 X smart edition4595 x 1695 x 18501560
2.0 G4595 x 1695 x 18501590
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type II no third row seating4595 x 1695 x 18501615
2.0 X L selection lift-up side seat equipped car4595 x 1695 x 18501620
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up passenger seat A type4595 x 1695 x 18501625
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type I 1-wheelchair spec car4595 x 1695 x 18501635
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up passenger seat B type4595 x 1695 x 18501640
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat manual caregiver-assisted4595 x 1695 x 18501645
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type I 2-wheelchair spec car4595 x 1695 x 18501645
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type II with third row seating4595 x 1695 x 18501650
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat electric caregiver-assisted4595 x 1695 x 18501660
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat electric operation4595 x 1695 x 18501660
2.0 YY 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751610
2.0 X 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751630
2.0 X L selection 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751640
2.0 X smart edition 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751640
2.0 G 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751650
2.0 X L selection lift-up side seat equipped car 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751700
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type II no third row seating 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751700
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up passenger seat A type 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751705
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up passenger seat B type 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751720
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat manual caregiver-assisted 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751725
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type I 1-wheelchair spec car 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751725
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type I 2-wheelchair spec car 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751735
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat electric caregiver-assisted 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751740
2.0 X L selection welcab lift-up side seat electric operation 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751740
2.0 X L selection welcab slope type II with third row seating 4WD4595 x 1695 x 18751740
2.0 S4630 x 1720 x 18501580
2.0 S G edition4630 x 1720 x 18501580
2.0 Si4630 x 1720 x 18501590
2.0 Si lift-up side seat equipped car4630 x 1720 x 18501650
2.0 Si welcab lift-up passenger seat A type4630 x 1720 x 18501655
2.0 Si welcab slope type I 1-wheelchair spec car4630 x 1720 x 18501665
2.0 Si welcab lift-up passenger seat B type4630 x 1720 x 18501670
2.0 Si welcab lift-up side seat manual caregiver-assisted4630 x 1720 x 18501675
2.0 Si welcab slope type I 2-wheelchair spec car4630 x 1720 x 18501675
2.0 S 4WD4630 x 1720 x 18751670
2.0 S G edition 4WD4630 x 1720 x 18751670
2.0 Si 4WD4630 x 1720 x 18751670
2.0 Si lift-up side seat equipped car 4WD4630 x 1720 x 18751730
2.0 Si welcab lift-up passenger seat A type 4WD4630 x 1720 x 18751735
2.0 Si welcab lift-up side seat manual caregiver-assisted 4WD4630 x 1720 x 18751740
2.0 Si welcab lift-up passenger seat B type 4WD4630 x 1720 x 18751750

Размеры Toyota Noah рестайлинг 2004, минивэн, 1 поколение, R60

Размеры Тойота Ноах и вес 08.2004 — 05.2007

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
2.0 YY4580 x 1695 x 18501490
2.0 X4580 x 1695 x 18501500
2.0 X E selection4580 x 1695 x 18501500
2.0 X limited4580 x 1695 x 18501500
2.0 X G selection4580 x 1695 x 18501510
2.0 X special edition4580 x 1695 x 18501520
2.0 X side lift up seat equipped car4580 x 1695 x 18501580
2.0 X side liftup seat4580 x 1695 x 18501580
2.0 X special edition welcab wheelchair spec slope type4580 x 1695 x 18501580
2.0 X G selection side lift up seat equipped car4580 x 1695 x 18501590
2.0 X G selection side liftup seat4580 x 1695 x 18501590
2.0 X special edition welcab lift-up passenger seat4580 x 1695 x 18501590
2.0 YY4580 x 1695 x 18751570
2.0 X4580 x 1695 x 18751580
2.0 X E selection4580 x 1695 x 18751580
2.0 X limited4580 x 1695 x 18751580
2.0 X G selection4580 x 1695 x 18751590
2.0 X special edition4580 x 1695 x 18751600
2.0 X side lift up seat equipped car4580 x 1695 x 18751660
2.0 X side liftup seat4580 x 1695 x 18751660
2.0 X G selection side lift up seat equipped car4580 x 1695 x 18751670
2.0 X G selection side liftup seat4580 x 1695 x 18751670
2.0 X special edition welcab lift-up passenger seat4580 x 1695 x 18751670
2.0 S4625 x 1695 x 18501510
2.0 S4625 x 1695 x 18751590

Размеры Toyota Noah 2001, минивэн, 1 поколение, R60

Размеры Тойота Ноах и вес 11.2001 — 07.2004

КомплектацииГабаритыМасса, кг
2.0 X4560 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 X V selection4560 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 X G selection4560 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 X Elceo edition4560 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 X Elceo edition blue package4560 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 X S edition4560 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 X NAVI special4560 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 L4560 x 1695 x 18501500
2.0 L G selection4560 x 1695 x 18501500
2.0 X4560 x 1695 x 18751560
2.0 X V selection4560 x 1695 x 18751560
2.0 X G selection4560 x 1695 x 18751560
2.0 X Elceo edition4560 x 1695 x 18751560
2.0 X Elceo edition blue package4560 x 1695 x 18751560
2.0 X S edition4560 x 1695 x 18751560
2.0 X NAVI special4560 x 1695 x 18751560
2.0 L4560 x 1695 x 18751580
2.0 L G selection4560 x 1695 x 18751580
2.0 S4615 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 S V selection4615 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 S G selection4615 x 1695 x 18501480
2.0 S4615 x 1695 x 18751560
2.0 S V selection4615 x 1695 x 18751560
2.0 S G selection4615 x 1695 x 18751560

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