718 Porsche 2016 Boxster
Modelsdị ụgbọ ala

718 Porsche 2016 Boxster

718 Porsche 2016 Boxster

Nkowasi 718 Porsche 2016 Boxster

718 Porsche 2016 Boxster bụ a azụ-wheel mbanye S-klas roadster na 6 ngwá nhọrọ. Olu nke igwe sitere na 2 ruo 4 lita. Ahụ bụ ọnụ ụzọ abụọ, a haziri thelọ Mmanya ahụ maka oche abụọ. Ihe Nlereanya a nwere retractable ụlọ na-ezo na azụ nke ụgbọala. N'okpuru ebe a bụ akụkụ nke ụdị, nkọwa, akụrụngwa na nkọwapụta zuru ezu banyere ọdịdị ahụ.


The akụkụ nke Porsche 718 Boxster gosiri na tebụl.

Ogologo  4379 mm
Obu  1801 mm
Elu  1281 mm
Ibu ibu  1685 n'arọ
Nsachapụ  123 - 133 mm
Ndabere:   2475 mm


718 Porsche 2016 Boxster dị na azu-wheel mbanye naanị. Gearbox na-adabere n'ụdị a họọrọ - akwụkwọ ọsọ isii ma ọ bụ robot ọsọ asaa. The n'ihu nkwusioru bụ MacPherson na n'azụ bụ multi-njikọ. A na-etinye breeki diski ventilata na ihu na azụ nke ụgbọ ala ahụ. Ejiri arụ ọrụ ike eletrik.


Nwelite ụgbọ ntanetị emelitere natara akara nchịkwa ọhụrụ. Enwekwara bọtịnụ njikwa maka ụdị atọ - Nkịtị, Egwuregwu, Sport Plus na Onye ọ bụla. Ngwa akụrụngwa nwere ikuku ikuku, enyo kpụ ọkụ n'ọnụ, nnukwu ọkụ bi-xenon na sistemụ mgbasa ozi nwere ngosi ngosi 7-inch. A na-ahazi nhazi ngwụcha ngwụcha ọrụ nke njikwa ihu igwe, oche nwere ebe nchekwa ọnọdụ, ihe mmetụta ntanetị, igwefoto na-ele anya azụ, njikwa ụgbọ mmiri na oche ndị na-ekpo ọkụ.

Nchịkọta foto Porsche 718 Boxster 2016






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