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Great routes for traveling by car

Road trips are not only traffic jams, although they can also be enjoyed. Road trips are an opportunity to get to know the world. In the article we will tell you about which route to choose for road trips in order to spend time with benefit and pleasure.

Impressive routes are in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa. Be sure to include these countries in your list of places to visit.

But before you go on a road trip, make sure that your car is in good condition. 


Transfagaras Highway (Romania)

Let's start with Europe. Try driving along the Transfagarasi Highway, which connects Transylvania with Wallachia (Romania). It is a mountain highway in the Carpathians, connecting the Romanian regions of Wallachia and Transylvania and passing through the Fagaras mountain range. The 261 km long scenic highway is the highest road in Romania and is considered one of the most beautiful highways in Europe. There are many natural and historical attractions along the mountain road, so many tourists travel along it.

The southern part of the Transfagaras highway is laid through narrow through tunnels. The car windows offer stunning views of the large reservoir, waterfalls, rocky mountain slopes and rapid rivers. The most beautiful view opens from the crossing point. However, the observation deck in the mountains is quite high, and it is often covered with mists. 


Grossglockner Alpine Road (Austria)

This is the most beautiful panoramic road in Austria and probably one of the most beautiful in Europe. It is visited by over 1 million tourists a year. The road starts in the federal state of Salzburg in a village in Fusch an der Großglocknerstraße, and ends in Carinthia in the pastoral postcard town of Heiligendlut, or vice versa, depending on where you start your journey. The road is 48 kilometers long.


Hringwegur, Trollstigen and the Atlantic Road

Three more roads for educational European trips. If you want to get around Iceland, you can do so via Hringvegur. This 1400 km road will take you through some of the island's most breathtaking landscapes. You will see volcanoes, glaciers, waterfalls, geysers.

In Norway, try the Trollstigen road, a mountain road in Rauma that starts from the 63 national road that connects Ondalsnes to Valldal. Its steep slope of 9% and eleven 180 ° bends. Here you will see mountains. which are a real tourist attraction.


In no case do not miss the Atlantic Highway, because this exciting route, where you will "jump" along the mainland coast of Norway, from island to island, until you reach Avery. The road is full of bridges that spin over the sea.

Pan American Route

The network of roads connecting the USA and Canada with the countries of Latin America, the total length of which is about 48 thousand km. It is the longest motorway in the world, with a length of about 22000 km from North to South. However, the impassable Darien Gap (an 87 km wide stretch between Panama and Colombia) does not allow driving on the highway from North America to South America. The beginning of the journey to the USA in the northernmost state - Alaska (Anchorage).


The route runs through Canada, USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and ends in Panama, in the village of Yavisa. This route allows you to travel by car from the subarctic climate to the tropical subequatorial. The southerner part passes through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The southernmost point is located on the island of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Almost the entire route runs along the main mountain range of South America - the Andes. 


Icefield Parkway Canada

This is a trail built specifically for tourists in the 70s, linking Canada's oldest national park, Banff, and the younger Jasper. This is a photographer's paradise: there are more than 250 sites for photographing natural beauty along 200 km of the path.


The Columbia Icefield area, through which the Icefield Parkway passes, is: 6 glaciers: Athabasca, Castleguard, Columbia Glacier, Dome Glacier, Stutfield and Saskatchewan Glacier. These are the highest mountains in the Canadian Rockies: Mount Columbia (3,747 m), Mount Kitchener (3,505 m), North Twin Peak (3,684 m), South Twin Peak (3,566 m) and others.

Columbia Historic Highway (USA)

The narrow, historic highway that runs through the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon has changed little since its founding in 1922. The historic Columbia Highway overlooks six state parks.

Blue Ridge Parkway

One of the most beautiful roads in the United States. Its length is about 750 km. It runs along the crest of the Appalachian Mountains through several national parks in the states of North Carolina and Virginia.

This is a great trip for lovers of leisurely driving along winding roads who want to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature. The absence of trucks, rare cars, many places for stopping and relaxing, where you can listen to the silence and enjoy the mountain scenery, make a trip to Blue Ridge Parkway enjoyable and unforgettable.


Zamorsk highway

Driving an overseas highway from the tip of mainland Florida near Miami to the Florida Keys offers a unique experience. It extends 113 miles in a series of roads and 42 trans-ocean bridges all the way to the southernmost point AmericaKey West.

The longest of the bridges is the Seven Mile Bridge, stretching seven miles across turquoise waters, connecting Knight's Key to Little Duck Key, though you'll enjoy amazing panoramic views of the waterfront flats and islets all the time. A paradise for snorkellers and scuba divers, beneath the surface of the water lies an incredible world of vibrantly colored fish and coral reefs, with plenty of dive sites worth stopping by, including the 70-square-mile John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in Key Largo.


Route 66

And between the same US coast. In the USA, one cannot forget the “mother of all roads”: Route 66. Without a doubt, the most famous, most photogenic and most cinematic. At nearly 4000 km, it crosses 8 states, connecting Chicago (Illinois) with Santa Monica in Los Angeles County (California). Plus, from it you can take a dream trip with the Grand Canyon.

The Way of Death (Bolivia)

The Road of Death - the road from La Paz to Koroiko (Yungas) - was officially recognized as the “Most Dangerous in the World": every year, on average, 26 buses and cars fell into the abyss, killing dozens of people. The landscape and climate during the descent change dramatically: in the beginning these are the tops of glaciers and sparse mountain vegetation, cold and dryness.

And after a few hours, tourists find themselves in a warm, humid jungle, among tropical flowers and pools with thermal water. Death Road is narrow and rocky. Its average width is 3,2 meters. On one side there is a rock, and on the other an abyss. The road is dangerous not only for cars, but also for overly careless cyclists. You can not be distracted for a second, all attention should be focused on the road. During the years of excursions, 15 tourists died - the Road of Death does not like reckless drivers.


Tunnel Golyan (China)

In the eastern Chinese province of Henan, the Guoliang Road tunnel is located - one of the most dangerous mountain trails in the world. The length of the path, which in fact is a tunnel made in a rocky mountain, is 1 meters. Guoliang Road is a tunnel 200 meters high, 5 meters wide and about 4 kilometers long.

A feature of this alpine road is the openings made in the wall of various diameters and shapes, which serve as a natural source of lighting and at the same time pose the greatest danger. There are several dozens of such “windows” throughout the segment, some of which reach 20-30 meters in length.


One comment

  • Jeka

    But what about the unforgettable roads from the Dnieper to Kherson, Nikolaev or Odessa ?? !!!

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