Location of vehicles on the roadway

Location of vehicles on the roadway

amended April 8, 2020

The number of lanes for roadless vehicles is determined by the markings and (or) signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2, 5.15.7, 5.15.8, and if there are none, then by the drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the carriageway, dimensions of vehicles and the required intervals between them. In this case, the side intended for oncoming traffic on roads with two-way traffic without a dividing strip is considered to be half the width of the carriageway located on the left, excluding local widening of the carriageway (transitional speed lanes, additional lanes on the rise, access pockets of places of stops for route vehicles ).

On roads with two-way traffic, having four or more lanes, it is forbidden to leave for overtaking or detour into a lane intended for oncoming traffic. On such roads, turns to the left or turns can be performed at intersections and in other places where it is not prohibited by the Rules, signs and (or) markings.

On two-way roads with three lanes marked with markings (except for 1.9 markings), of which the middle one is used for traffic in both directions, it is allowed to enter this lane only to overtake, detour, turn left or make a U-turn. It is prohibited to drive into the leftmost lane intended for oncoming traffic.

Outside settlements, as well as in settlements on roads marked with signs 5.1 or 5.3, or where traffic at a speed of more than 80 km / h is allowed, drivers of vehicles should drive them as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy the left lanes with free right ones.

In settlements, subject to the requirements of this paragraph and paragraphs 9.5, 16.1 and 24.2 of the Rules, drivers of vehicles can use the most convenient lane for them. With heavy traffic, when all lanes are occupied, changing the lane is only allowed for turning left or right, turning, stopping or avoiding an obstacle.

However, on any roads that have three or more lanes for traffic in this direction, it is allowed to occupy the leftmost lane only in heavy traffic when other lanes are occupied, as well as for turning left or U-turn, and trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 2,5 t - only for turning left or turning around. Departure to the left lane of one-way roads for stopping and parking is carried out in accordance with clause 12.1 of the Rules.

Vehicles whose speed of movement should not exceed 40 km / h or which, for technical reasons, cannot reach such a speed, must move in the right-most lane, except in cases of detour, overtaking or changing lanes before turning left or turning or stopping on the left side, if permitted the roads.

It is allowed to move on tram tracks in the same direction, located on the left on the same level with the carriageway, when all lanes of this direction are occupied, as well as when bypassing, turning left or making a U-turn, taking into account clause 8.5 of the Rules. This should not interfere with the tram. It is prohibited to enter the tramway tracks of the opposite direction. If road signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 are installed in front of the intersection, traffic on tram tracks through the intersection is prohibited.

If the carriageway is divided into lanes by marking lines, the movement of vehicles must be carried out strictly along the designated lanes. Driving on broken lines of marking is permitted only during rebuilding.

When turning onto a road with reverse movement, the driver must drive the vehicle in such a way that when leaving the intersection of carriageways, the vehicle occupies the far right lane. Reconfiguration is allowed only after the driver is convinced that movement in this direction is allowed in other lanes.

It is prohibited to move vehicles along dividing lanes and roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths (except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2 - 24.4, 24.7, 25.2 of the Rules), as well as the movement of motor vehicles (except for mopeds) along lanes for cyclists. The movement of motor vehicles on bicycle and bicycle paths is prohibited. The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and public utilities is allowed, as well as the entrance along the shortest path of vehicles transporting goods to trade and other enterprises and facilities located directly at the shoulders, sidewalks or footpaths, in the absence of other ways of access. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured.

The driver must maintain such a distance to the vehicle moving in front that would avoid a collision, as well as the necessary lateral interval to ensure traffic safety.

Outside of settlements on two-lane roads with two lanes, the driver of the vehicle for which the speed limit is set, as well as the driver of the vehicle (composition of vehicles) longer than 7 m must maintain such a distance between his and the vehicle in front that vehicles that overtake him could readjust to the lane previously occupied by them without interference. This requirement does not apply when driving on sections of roads on which overtaking is prohibited, as well as during heavy traffic and movement in an organized transport convoy.

On two-way roads in the absence of a dividing strip, safety islands, curbstones and elements of road structures (bridge supports, overpasses, etc.) located in the middle of the carriageway, the driver should go round on the right, unless the signs and markings specify otherwise.

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