Traffic Laws. The movement of vehicles in columns.

Traffic Laws. The movement of vehicles in columns.


On each vehicle moving in the convoy, the identification column “Column” is provided for by subparagraph “є” of paragraph 30.3 of these Rules, and the dipped headlights are turned on.

The identification mark may not be established if the convoy is accompanied by operational vehicles with red, blue and red, green or blue and green flashing lights and (or) special sound signals turned on.


Vehicles must move in a convoy in only one row, as close to the right edge of the carriageway as possible, unless they are accompanied by operational vehicles.


The speed of the column and the distance between the vehicles are set by the senior column or by the mode of movement of the head machine in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.


A convoy moving unaccompanied by operational vehicles should be divided into groups (no more than five vehicles in each), the distance between which should provide the opportunity to overtake the group with other vehicles.


In the event of a convoy stopping on the road on all vehicles, an alarm is triggered.


Other vehicles are prohibited from taking up space for continuous traffic in the convoy.

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