Why turn on the air conditioner in winter
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Why turn on the air conditioner in winter

Air conditioning is a very nice thing in the summer when it is very hot. However, during the winter months, this becomes a problem for many drivers, as it seriously increases fuel consumption. And they choose not to use it. But what is the opinion of the experts?

First, we must remember that there are cars that are equipped with standard air conditioning, as well as those that rely on more modern climate control. The second one is much "smarter", but works on the same principle as the standard device.

Why turn on the air conditioner in winter

The scheme is quite simple and is based on the laws of thermodynamics, which are studied at school - when compressed, the gas heats up, and when expanded, it cools. The system of the device is closed, the refrigerant (freon) circulates in it. It changes from liquid to gaseous state and vice versa.

The gas is compressed under a pressure of 20 atmospheres, and the temperature of the substance rises. Then the refrigerant enters the condenser through the pipe through the bumper. There the gas is cooled by a fan and turns into a liquid. As such, it reaches the evaporator, where it expands. During this time, its temperature drops, cooling the air entering the cabin.

But in this case, another interesting and important process takes place. Due to the temperature difference, moisture from the air condenses in the evaporator radiator. Thus, the air flow entering the cab is dehumidified by absorbing moisture. And this is especially useful in winter, when condensation causes the car windows to fog up. Then just turn on the air conditioner fan and everything will be repaired in just a minute.

Why turn on the air conditioner in winter

Something very important needs to be clarified - a sudden change in temperature is dangerous, as frozen glass can break. At the same time, the small fuel savings are not worth it in terms of the comfort and safety of those who travel in the car. Moreover, many cars have a special anti-fog feature. It is necessary to press the button that turns on the fan at maximum power (respectively, the air conditioner itself).

There is another reason to use an air conditioner in winter. Experts advise to do this at least once a month, as the refrigerant in the system, among other things, lubricates the moving parts of the compressor and also increases the life of the seals. If their integrity is violated, sooner or later, freon will leak.

Why turn on the air conditioner in winter

And one more thing - do not be afraid that at sub-zero temperatures, turning on the air conditioner will damage it. Modern manufacturers have taken care of everything - in critical situations, for example, in very cold weather, the device simply turns off.

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