Pedestrian Responsibilities

Pedestrian Responsibilities

amended April 8, 2020

Pedestrians must move along sidewalks, footpaths, cycle paths, and in their absence, along roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky items, as well as persons moving in wheelchairs, may move along the edge of the carriageway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders interferes with other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths, cycle paths or verges, as well as if it is impossible to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip, along the outer edge of the carriageway).

When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians should go towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of movement of vehicles.

When crossing the road and driving along roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised, and pedestrians are required to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers outside settlements.

The movement of organized pedestrian columns along the carriageway is allowed only in the direction of movement of vehicles on the right side of no more than four people in a row. In front and behind the column on the left side there should be escorts with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility - with lights on: in front - white, behind - red.

Groups of children are allowed to drive only along sidewalks and footpaths, and in their absence, also along roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

Pedestrians must cross the road at pedestrian crossings, including underground and elevated ones, and in their absence, at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides.

At a regulated intersection, it is allowed to cross the carriageway between opposite corners of the intersection (diagonally) only if there are markings 1.14.1 or 1.14.2, indicating such a pedestrian crossing.

If there is no crossing or intersection in sight, it is allowed to cross the road at right angles to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing line and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to bicycle areas.

In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light.

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the carriageway (tram tracks) after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the road outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and leave behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no vehicles approaching.

When leaving the carriageway (tram tracks), pedestrians should not linger or stop, if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the crossing should stop on the islet of safety or on the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure of the safety of further traffic and taking into account the signal of the traffic light (traffic controller).

When vehicles approach with a flashing blue light (blue and red) and a special sound signal, pedestrians must refrain from crossing the road, and pedestrians located on the carriageway (tram tracks) must immediately clear the carriageway (tram tracks).

It is allowed to wait for a shuttle vehicle and a taxi only on landing sites raised above the carriageway, and in their absence, on the sidewalk or roadside. In places of stops of route vehicles that are not equipped with elevated landing areas, it is allowed to enter the carriageway to board the vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarking, it is necessary, without delay, to clear the roadway.

When moving across the carriageway to the stopping place of the route vehicle or from it, pedestrians must be guided by the requirements of paragraphs 4.4 - 4.7 of the Rules.

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