Obligations and rights of passengers

Obligations and rights of passengers


Landing (disembarking) is allowed to passengers after stopping the vehicle only from the landing site, and in the absence of such a platform - from the sidewalk or roadside, and if this is not possible, then from the extreme lane of the carriageway (but not from the adjacent lane for traffic), provided that it is safe and does not create obstacles to other road users.


Passengers using a vehicle must:

a)to sit or stand (if it is provided by the design of the vehicle) in designated places, holding on to a handrail or other device;
b)when traveling on a vehicle equipped with seat belts (except for passengers with disabilities whose physiological characteristics interfere with the use of seat belts), be fastened, and on a motorcycle and moped - in a fastened helmet;
at)do not pollute the carriageway and the dividing strip of the allotment of roads;
d)Do not pose a threat to road safety through your actions.
e)in case of stopping or parking of vehicles at their request in places where stopping, parking or parking is permitted only for drivers who carry passengers with disabilities, at the request of a police officer, provide documents proving disability (except for passengers with obvious signs of disability) (subparagraph added 11.07.2018. XNUMX).

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Passengers are prohibited from:

a)while driving, distract the driver's attention from driving and interfere with it;
b)open the doors of the vehicle without making sure that it is stopped at the sidewalk, landing site, edge of the carriageway or on the side of the road;
at)prevent the door from closing and use the steps and protrusions of vehicles for riding;
d)while driving, stand in the back of a truck, sit on the sides or in a place not equipped for seating.


In the event of a traffic accident, the passenger of the vehicle involved in the accident must provide possible assistance to the victims, report the incident to the body or authorized unit of the National Police and be present until the police arrive.


When using a vehicle, a passenger has the right to:

a)safe transportation of oneself and baggage;
b)compensation for damage caused;
at)receiving timely and accurate information about the conditions and order of movement.

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