What is a tachograph and why is it needed in a car
Useful tips for motorists

What is a tachograph and why is it needed in a car

Working as a driver is often associated with increased stress on the human body. Modern Russian realities force representatives of this profession to spend a long time at the steering wheel. This mode of operation has the most detrimental effect on driving safety and often leads to sad consequences for both the driver and other road users.

What is a tachograph and why is it needed in a car

This problem, according to the competent services, should have been solved with the introduction of new technical equipment, mandatory for individual categories of vehicles. We are talking about a tachograph - a device that allows you to track the main parameters of the car throughout the entire journey.

Back in 2014, a law came into force, according to which, drivers of vehicles of these categories are required to use this registration device everywhere. In case of violation of this regulation, the owner of the vehicle will be held administratively liable.

Why do you need a tachograph in a car

Initially, the introduction of the tachograph into everyday practice was associated with the improvement of the rest and work conditions of drivers. One of the primary tasks was to minimize the statistics of accidents involving drivers who violate the established regime.

However, this is far from the only purpose of the presented device. With its help, it becomes possible to monitor various important performance indicators.

What is a tachograph and why is it needed in a car

With the help of this on-board device, monitoring is carried out:

  • traffic violations;
  • following the established route;
  • mode of work and rest of the driver;
  • vehicle movement speed.

It is worth noting that the presence of this device, according to experts, guarantees greater safety for both the driver and passengers. Referring to the established rules and regulations, the driver does not have the right to drive the vehicle for more than 4 hours in a row.

After the allotted time, he is advised to rest for at least 40 minutes. Thus, if the car is equipped with a tachograph, the driver is unlikely to violate the established norms and endanger the lives of passengers.

In addition, with the help of a tachograph, the speed of the vehicle is monitored. This feature allows you to significantly increase the degree of control and detection of malicious violators of the speed limit.

Types of devices

As tachographs appeared, the presented devices underwent various changes. If earlier most of them belonged to the analog type, now they have been replaced by more advanced and compact digital devices.

What is a tachograph and why is it needed in a car

Tachographs, depending on the method of execution, are divided into two types:

  • round (mounted in place of the standard speedometer);
  • rectangular (mounted in a regular place of the car radio).

Currently, analog devices are completely replaced by digital ones. This trend is primarily associated with the low level of accuracy of mechanical tachographs.

Starting from 2016, the use of analog tachographs of any brand is prohibited in Russia. In this case, analog means any device that is devoid of cryptoprotection.

Digital type tachographs have firmly entered our lives. They allow you to store a large amount of information, thanks to the built-in memory unit. It is not possible to obtain unauthorized access to the information contained in it, due to the high level of protection.

Any attempt to interfere with the operation of the device entails an administrative penalty in the form of a fine. When working with a digital tachograph, an identification card is used. It is a plastic carrier of the driver's personal information.

There are 4 types of such cards:

  • driver's personal card;
  • specialized card (for employees of service centers servicing the device);
  • transport company card;
  • card of traffic police officers (for control actions).

The presented cards are issued by specialized organizations that have the appropriate license.

The device and the principle of operation

The tachograph, outwardly, is an unremarkable device, especially in the case of a rectangular version. Nevertheless, inside it is stuffed, as they say, with the latest science and technology. A more thorough study of it allows us to identify a number of its functional organs and nodes.

Working with a tachograph Video instruction for drivers

These are:

The tachograph display shows all the necessary information. The keys are provided for entering a pin code and activating the corresponding functions. The thermal printer displays all the reporting data about the trip on paper. The reader is used to recognize plastic media.

Using a modem, the function of data transfer to a subscriber of a cellular network via GPRS is implemented. The motion sensor allows you to record data on speed and distance traveled.

One of the key components of any tachograph is the CIPF block. Its purpose in general terms is to encrypt all registered device data.

In addition, the presented hardware device provides a selective output of information. In other words, the system, depending on the set parameters of work, determines what information should be issued in each specific case.

The specified device is activated immediately after starting the engine. After that, all systems and sensors of the device come into operation.

Installation Rules

The installation of the tachograph is carried out exclusively in specialized service centers and workshops. At the same time, the above-mentioned institutions must have a license from the FSB and a mark from the Ministry of Transport. Otherwise, there is a high probability of incorrect installation of the specified device with all the ensuing consequences.

In addition, in the event of a breakdown or failure of the device, the carrier loses warranty repairs, and he will have to fix the malfunction out of his own pocket.

What is a tachograph and why is it needed in a car

Before mounting the tachograph, it is necessary first of all to choose the most convenient place for it. Considering that you will have to use the device almost every day, you need to take care of its availability. It is also necessary to take care of its reliable fastening in order to exclude its breakage due to a fall.

The law prohibits the installation of a tachograph on your own. Nevertheless, for general development, it will be nice to get acquainted with some of the nuances of its installation.

The tachograph installation algorithm is as follows:

  1. the suitability of the standard speedometer and vehicle speed sensor is analyzed;
  2. if necessary, the speedometer and speed sensor are replaced;
  3. wiring connecting the recorder, speedometer and speed sensor is mounted;
  4. the correct operation of the recording device is checked;
  5. the device is activated and sealed;
  6. fine-tuning and calibration.

This procedure does not take much time. As a rule, the carrier will have to spend from 2 to 4 hours.

Work standards and a fine for the absence of a tachograph

The norms of work on the tachograph are primarily focused on legislative acts that provide for a specific work schedule. It indicates that the driver should not be on the road without stopping for more than 4 - 4,5 hours.

The norm for rest is at least 45 minutes.

The total duration of the vehicle control per day should be no more than 9 hours. In this case, the driver must have 2 days off per week. As for intercity routes, the non-working time in this case is reduced to 9 hours.

An administrative penalty is imposed on an individual in the form of a fine in the absence of a device, its incorrect operation or a recorded violation. In the first two cases, the driver will have to pay about 2 - 3 thousand rubles. But the employer, for allowing such violations, can “fly in” for 7-10 thousand rubles.

Mandatory installation of a tachograph becomes inevitable. It is worth noting that the attitude of drivers and carriers towards it is not at all unambiguous. For some, this innovation does not cause approval, but for someone it was to their liking. One way or another, most European countries have effectively used tachographs for many years, and the results of the introduction of such an innovation have exceeded the wildest expectations.

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