What is endoscopic engine diagnostics?
Inspection,  Car device

What is endoscopic engine diagnostics?

Endoscopic engine diagnostics

An endoscope is a device with which you can see the condition of the engine from the inside without disassembling it. Endoscopic testing also exists in medicine. And just like a doctor makes a more accurate diagnosis after an endoscopic examination of a particular organ, checking, for example, engine cylinders with an endoscope, allows you to determine the condition, nature and extent of the malfunction with the greatest possible accuracy. And, as a result, this allows you to give more accurate recommendations for the repair and further operation of the unit. Endoscopic engine diagnostics. Engine diagnostics with an endoscope is a common procedure. Car owners who have their car's engine checked in this way always respond well.

Engine diagnostics - factor 1

With the help of an endoscope, you can check cylinders, valves and check the condition of the piston group. Cylinder endoscopy provides a welcome answer for those who want to see what's going on with the cylinders. How worn are the bends of the gaskets, the gap between the piston and the cylinder. If the usual cylinder diagnosis does not answer the question, the endoscope is almost guaranteed. You can check the engine rating with an endoscope, you can do it yourself and some motorists do. However, it's worth noting that a lot of this research depends on 2 factors. The first is the quality of the device itself, the endoscope. A device purchased manually or ordered from China cannot guarantee an accurate engine diagnosis result. So the risk of such a diagnosis is very high.

Engine diagnostics - factor 2

The second is the experience of someone who will diagnose the engine using an endoscope. Without some experience and knowledge, the assessment of the quality of engine damage will fail. Check the compression in the engine cylinders. One of the most important and common things you can do to make sure your engine is running properly. Compression measurement will help you to know about the problem ahead of time. Before causing serious engine damage or stopping it while traveling. To check compression for amateur use, there is a special device - a compressor. Modern compressors are equipped with everything necessary for the user, including adapters for different models. Compression in a diesel car engine can also be measured. Measurement of engine compression in a car service is performed using motor testers or compressors.

Engine Diagnostic Results

Reduced compression can be caused by various factors. Including wear of parts of the piston group, malfunctions of the parts of the gas distribution mechanism and others. You can make a list for a very long time. But the most important thing to know is that with a decrease in pressure, the parameters and efficiency of the engine deteriorate significantly. The average motorist is unlikely to understand the numbers obtained by checking the compression in the engine cylinders. For simplicity and convenience, there are special guidelines for measuring engine compression. In this case, you should use the manual for a specific type of engine.

Engine Oil Diagnostics

All types of motor oils have their own service life, after which it becomes unusable. The manufacturer always indicates recommendations for car mileage on the oil packaging. During which it must be replaced. These recommendations are made without calculating vehicle operating conditions, weather conditions, dusty roads, periodic congestion. When the machine is not moving and its engine is still running. And frequent operation in the city significantly reduces the life of the oil. Therefore, do not rely on recommendations and try to monitor the quality of the oil yourself. You can check the state of an oil drop by drop from an engine oil matrix. You need to drip onto a piece of paper once and wait 15 minutes until the drop becomes saturated and forms a transparent spot.

Engine diagnostics

The drop should be no more than 3 cm in diameter. For a paper oil sample, three paper zones are considered. The color and pattern of the spot, as well as the uniformity of distribution. Pure oil, no impurities, the leaves are a big bright spot. It may disappear completely in a few days. If the stain turns yellow later, it oxidizes. The oil is then fed into the engine at elevated temperatures, indicating engine failure. The lighter the spot in the core area, the more effective the tested oil. Strong darkening indicates saturation with metals and impurities. And if such oil is left to work in the engine additionally, engine wear will increase significantly. Such oil can work additionally in the engine, but already without performing additional properties. The complete absence of the last ring indicates the presence of water and the complete loss of the properties of the filler.

Engine diagnostics. Butter.

If the core of such an oil is thick and has a color close to black, this means that it has been used repeatedly and has been worn for a long time. In other cases, the oil is simply out of date, leaked or its storage conditions have been violated. Water causes serious damage to engine oils. Once in it at a ratio of 0,2%, water quickly begins to break down existing additives. In addition, when the engine is working with such oil, the pipes and channels of the engine become clogged with thick deposits. This will damage engine parts in the future. Decomposition of additives increases carbon deposits on parts; deposits, foam, and films form.

Engine diagnostics. Scanner.

Scanner diagnostics includes a sequential check of most control systems, such as. Engine control unit, automatic transmission, braking system - ABS / ESP, airbags, cruise control, air conditioning, immobilizer, instrument panel, parking system, air suspension, navigation system and other systems. Diagnostics of each system is divided into different stages. During engine diagnostics, the systems that control the engine are checked. Cylinder feed, fuel systems, speed check checked. Based on the results of engine diagnostics, a report is provided on current faults and recommendations for repair or replacement of faulty components. Computer diagnostics allows you to check all the electronic systems of the car.

Questions and answers:

What is a car endoscope? This is one of the diagnostic tools used by professional service stations. It is used to inspect the internal cavities of the mechanisms and units of the machine.

How do you know if there are scuffs in the cylinders? To do this, you need to use an endoscope with a screen. A candle or nozzle (in direct injection) is unscrewed and a visual inspection of the cavity is carried out.

What is endoscopy for? This procedure allows for visual diagnostics of hard-to-reach parts of the car, as well as cavities, without disassembling units or mechanisms.

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