6 helpful tips for car owners
Tips for motorists,  Articles,  Machine operation

6 helpful tips for car owners

Modern car manufacturers have prepared many useful accessories for car owners that can be purchased separately. But such useful things are not always cheap.

In some cases, improvised means can save the situation. Here are some simple ways to solve complex problems.

1 How to quickly cool the interior

If the car has been in the sun for a long time, open one of the front windows fully, and then open and close the opposite door several times. This will remove all hot air in no time.

6 helpful tips for car owners

2 How to deal with a frozen castle

This is unlikely to be needed in the coming days, but remember this in the fall. If you do not have a dedicated defrosting agent, you can use the most common antibacterial hand gel - rub a pea-sized amount into the slot of the lock.

6 helpful tips for car owners

You can put a little on the key itself. The gel contains alcohol, which will melt ice faster. Never heat the key with a lighter if it contains electronics (such as an immobilizer).

3 How to clean the headlights

For this purpose, there are specialized and rather expensive tools. But you can easily achieve the same effect with regular toothpaste - wipe the glass well with a rag and then rinse with water. Please note that abrasive cleaning is contraindicated for plastic optics.

6 helpful tips for car owners

4 How to attach your smartphone

There are motorists who do not like a lot of extraneous things on the car dash. However, it is often necessary to periodically look at the phone screen, for example, if the navigator is turned on.

6 helpful tips for car owners

To temporarily fix the smartphone on the car console, a simple rubber band is enough for money. It must be threaded into the diffuser of the interior ventilation duct. The phone is inserted into the formed lugs.

5 How to remove minor scratches

With carefully applied colorless nail polish. It also helps with scratches and cracks on the windshield. 2-3 coats of varnish will prevent the crack from growing.

6 helpful tips for car owners

6 How to be prepared for anything

Especially in winter, it's a good idea to have an emergency kit in your car; it should include:

  • Drinking water;
  • Long-term storage products;
  • Cover;
  • Spare clothing;
  • Lantern;
  • Batteries;
  • A charged mobile phone (it is better to choose a cheap push-button model that holds a charge for 6-7 days).
6 helpful tips for car owners

In the event of an emergency, for example, when the car stalled in a deserted area, the driver and passengers will be able to hold out for the necessary time until help arrives.

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